The Digital Marketer industry is coming up with new ideas every day. The industry is getting vast and marketers must cope with the latest trends and technologies.
To approach marketing, here are the seven basic and intermediate concepts a digital marketer must have.
Search Engine Optimization is the ultimate key to Digital Marketing. If you are new in a Digital Marketing Company, you must know the basics of SEO.
The hi-fi tech stuff is for the technical team, but SEO rank and compatibility depends on the Marketing team of a company.
What is SEO?
SEO increases the visibility of any content you want to publish on your website.
If the optimization is done professionally, it can be on the first page of the search engine. Here, phrases and keywords play a vital role in keeping up the rank with time.
What is SEM?
Search Engine Marketing is important to build strategies for both content and data of a website.
It is done with the help of paid advertisements that appear on any search engine.
What is the goal of SEO & SEM?
The goal of SEO and SEM is to build more traffic to a company website from and beyond the target audience to increase the visibility of your work.
Targeting the audience from an interested audience will give a quality graph of time spent by the users on your website.
Video marketing controls the internet in every domain of marketing. It is not going to stop in recent time.
A proper video has the power to take over the internet and explain all the necessities of your company attracting traffic more than 80% than regular ways.
Few types of Video marketing are:
- Announcement
- Instructional
- Behind the scenes
- Events etc.
What is the goal of Video Marketing?
Video marketing is done to increase conversion rates, higher engagement, SEO ranks, brand awareness, and company revenue utilizing high-grade content on the platform.
- About 90% of users dedicate their decision to video before making the final purchase.
- A web page having Video content will automatically get an increased ranking on search engines than usual.
Metrics or analytics help in keeping the data on the right track at the most profitable time. Analytics is the analysis and decision you make on marketing strategies and metrics are the numbers that you track for profit.
Metrics: The measurable performance or improvement of or in a company is called the metrics. The most important ones are the KPIs or key performance indicators.
Analytics: Using metrics to decide on a market policy or anything to move forward, falls under the analytical side of marketing.
If a Digital Marketing Company seeks to develop sophisticated analytics and the metric system, these two are the platforms one must begin with.
Technical Knowledge
Digital Marketing is not driven by marketing but Technology. Therefore, a strong grip on the field is always appreciated.
Technology helps you to work faster with better results and less manual effort.
In the recent trend, there are six areas where the use of technology can boost marketing ineffective ways:
- Paid Media
- Social Media
- Reporting and training
Why use tools for Digital marketing?
The tools are designed technically to improve the reach of a specific product in millions of places at the same time. In short, to utilize time more efficiently technology has put together certain tools in Digital Marketing.
Virtual Reality(VR), Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, IoT, and Big Data are some of the on-trend technologies in recent times.
Some Digital Marketing Company implements these techniques in building strategies while others only commit to the implementation.
One of the reasons why such hi-end tech is used to market a normal product is to increase the availability to the customers who need the product.
After all, if a product is marketed to one customer loyally, the reputation would spread with little further investment.
Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)
A very cost-effective and robust marketing technique is PPC Advertising.
It is an auction-based advertisement system that any Digital Marketing Company can adopt.
Using this method, you can bid on keywords to make them appear at the top of the search bar giving organic traffic to your content.
You get paid once an audience clicks on your ad and directs to the website.
Why is PPC an effective Digital Marketing Strategy?
- PPC gives a quick boost in brand visibility.
- Every business can earn a minimum of $8 for spending every $1 on Google Ads.
- Users click on the Ads to buy products 50% of the time.
Quantitative Marketing Skills
A lot of companies work without any marketing strategy. How? They just follow the basics. If a professional knows how to visualize things in a quantified manner, selling a product becomes much easier. It usually focuses on:
- Expand market share
- Increase sale
- Introducing a new product
- Social Media planning
- Focus on customer satisfaction.
Thinking and Planning
The three-way approach to improve marketing digitally is to go for the OSA technique – “Opportunity, Strategy, Action.”
Design Thinking refers to approaching problems from a user-centric perspective. Moving forward, you plan according to the perspective to see quality results.
This approach is more feasible for Designers and Developers from the tech field. But since Digital marketing depends a lot on technology today, these qualities will take a professional into a higher position in a Digital Marketing Company.
An extraordinary Digital marketer will always have the ability to understand things better in new methods. One of the major skills that a professional must-have in the field of marketing is communication skill.
They will work on several domains with multiple clients at a single time. Therefore, the reputation of an SEO Outsourcing Company has a lot to deal with the professionals they are working with.
These key factors will help in building a strong foothold in Digital Marketing. Remember to focus on your soft skills as you proceed to a higher position in your career!